Sugar snap trellis

It seems like my sugar snap sprouted and got a couple of inches tall overnight. We mowed the yard on Sunday and I went out to look at them in the evening and all of a sudden they were all shooting up.


They started putting out the climbing tendrils and I knew I needed something in the garden that they could climb onto. Enter a creative use of an extra tomato cage I bought.


I wound some garden twine around the levels making a small makeshift trellis that fit my square perfect.


About sm1372

First time homeowner attempting to make the most out of the benefits of having a yard and a love of food and cooking.

Posted on March 23, 2012, in Garden, Home and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 3 Comments.

  1. I’ll have to look at all of your square foot garden posts. I have read part of that book (had to give it back to the library) and really want to do it this year. Do you have any tips for a starting gardener?
    I was always a little turned off by the pH testing … seems to scientific to me. Don’t really want to do that stuff. What do you think?

    • That is why we used raised beds. We have heavy clay, really heavy clay. I like the book, I think it gives a good starting point but I don’t consider it to be the bible in raised bed gardening.

      My advice is build a raised bed with good garden soil, and find a reputable nursery with helpful people you can ask questions of. Also, there is so much information on the net.

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